When I walk towards the railway station across the foggy green lawn and a stranger with a big black poodle greets me with a "Good morning" - I goodmorning her back, wish the same to her poodle and radiate joy with a broad smile of a Cheshire cat second later - I know it's gonna be a good morning.
When at the 3rd train station on the way to London, the carriage gets nearly full with other passengers, but the seat next to me stays vacant - I sniff my armpits - and as they still bear a vague fragrance of bath salts (not sweat) - I know it's gonna be a good morning.
When a Marylebone tramp with a “Big Issue”pile sends a twinkle from his eye to everyone who’s hurrying off train and a beautiful smile shines through the bushy beard: “Good morning, sir! Good morning, madam!” – I know this is gonna be a VERY good morning.
When suppressing a laugh from a Pratchett’s book, I embarrassingly look across the fella reading the same (!) paperback and he gives me a wink – I know this is gonna be a good morning.
When I step off the escalator into the air filled with City buzz and the shares arrows on the Reuter’s display falling under my quick glance all point up, UP! UP! – I know this is gonna be a good morning.
When clutching the plastic cup with one hand and searching for a magnet pass in my handbag with another, as the smell of the fresh ground coffee beans hits my nostrils (and I just go orgasmic from it, or yeah I do!) – I know this is gonna be truly good morning.
When the first message I get on the MSN Messenger is an invitation from my under-25 friend to join her in a night club one day (“oh, please, let’s Ilfa!”) – I KNOW! THIS! Is GONNA BE! A REALLY GOOD MORNING!
To all of you. :-)
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